Sep 7 – 11, 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

IT security in an IPv6 world

Sep 7, 2015, 4:00 PM
Gaede HS (Building 30.22)

Gaede HS

Building 30.22

Plenary Talks Plenary talks


Dr David Kelsey (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,)


Unused IPv4 network addresses are a scarce resource. The deployment of IPv6 networking across the world is well underway. Some large IT distributed infrastructures, such as the Worldwide Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid, are starting to deploy dual-stack IPv6/IPv4 services to support IPv6-only clients. New networking protocols, such as IPv6, always bring new challenges for operational IT security. We have spent many decades understanding and fixing security problems and concerns in the IPv4 world. We have only just started with IPv6! Its lack of maturity together with all the additional complexities, particularly in a dual-stack environment, bring many challenges. This talk will consider some of the security concerns in an IPv6 world and consider best practices for system administrators who manage (or will manage) IT services on distributed infrastructures and also for their related security teams.

Primary author

Dr David Kelsey (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,)

Presentation materials