Sep 7 – 11, 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

Digital Transformation, Big Data … and the changing role of IT

Sep 8, 2015, 10:40 AM
Gaede HS (Building 30.22)

Gaede HS

Building 30.22

Plenary Talks Plenary talks


Dr Engelbert Quack (SAP SE, Head of Consulting Area Data & Technology)


How does the Digital Transformation change business models and which new business models arise? How do processes and business segments have to change and what is the role of IT within this development? To answer these questions we will look at the new technologies in a comprehensive way with a special focus on Big Data. Get to know SAP as the global market leader for business software and see how SAP seizes new opportunities by leveraging technologies like cloud, in-memory, and mobile computing. Selected SAP customers of different size and from various industries show how to manage the digital change and remain competitive.
See also what possibilities SAP offers for graduates and professionals to work within those new technological fields.

Links for further information:

Primary author

Dr Engelbert Quack (SAP SE, Head of Consulting Area Data & Technology)

Presentation materials

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