Sep 7 – 11, 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

FastFlow: Parallel Programming using parallel patterns and the FastFlow frameworks

Sep 10, 2015, 1:00 PM
229.3 (Building 30.22)


Building 30.22


Mr Massimo Torquati (Universita di Pisa)


FastFlow is an open-source C++ research framework to support the development of multi-threaded applications in modern multi/many-core heterogeneous platforms. The framework provides well-known stream-based algorithm skeleton constructs such as pipeline, task- farm and loop that are used to build more complex and powerful pattern: parallel_for, map, reduce, macro-data-flow interpreter, genetic-computation, etc.

During this tutorial session, the participants will learn how to build application structured as a combination of stream-based parallel pattern like pipeline, task-farm loops and their combinations. Then more high-level patterns will be introduced such as parallel_for, map and reduce, stencil-reduce and we will see how to mix stream and data-parallel patterns to build parallel applications and algorithms. Different possible implementations will be discussed and tested. Participants will have the opportunity to implement multi-threading algorithms and simple benchmarks to evaluate performance (considering also energy consumption).

Desirable prerequisite:
  • Good knowledge of C programming
  • Knowledge of multi-threading programming and concurrency problems.
  • Knowledge of C++ templates. Features of C++11 standard will be also used.
  • Basic Knowledge of OpenCL.

Expected participants: 10/15

Primary author

Mr Massimo Torquati (Universita di Pisa)

Presentation materials