Sep 7 – 11, 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

AngularJS workshop

Sep 10, 2015, 1:00 PM
2.01 (Building 30.23)


Building 30.23

Programming Techniques AngularJS


Matthias Reuter (Inovex)Mr Tim Roes (Inovex)


This workshop will focus on creating modern web applications and store their data into the cloud. AngularJS is a framework that has been growing popular during the last years, due to its flexibility, its power to build rich web applications and yet its ease to use.

During this workshop we will build a web application from scratch and we'll connect it to the cloud to easily sync your (users) data over the web.

Participants of this workshop are required to bring their own notebook. If possible install Node.js from in preparation. To work you will also require a text editor of your choice (we recommend SublimeText from

Since the workshop targets AngularJS beginners, you don't need any experience in AngularJS (or even have heard about it).
But to follow the workshop you will need at least beginners knowledge in JavaScript (or optional TypeScript).

Primary author

Mr Tim Roes (Inovex)

Presentation materials