Sep 7 – 11, 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

Apache Spark in Scientific Applications [A]

Sep 9, 2015, 1:00 PM
3.01 (Building 30.23)


Building 30.23


Mr Mirko Kämpf (Cloudera)


This tutorial is limited to 12 participants. Another session of this tutorial is also available

The workshop Spark in Scientific Applications covers fundamentale development and data analysis techniques using Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. Beside an introduction into the theoretical background about Map-Reduce- and Bulk-Synchronous-Parallel processing, also the machine learning library MLlib and the graph processing framework GraphX are used.

We work on sample data sets from Wikipedia, financial market data, and from a generic data generator. During the tutorial sessions we illustrate the Data Science Workflow and present the right tools for the right task.

All practical exercises are well prepared in a pre-configured virtual machine. Participants get access to required data sets on a „one node pseudo-distributed“ cluster with all tools inside. This VM is also a starting point for further experiments after the workshop.

Primary author

Mr Mirko Kämpf (Cloudera)

Presentation materials