Sep 7 – 11, 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

Research Data Alliance - Research Data Sharing without barriers

Sep 10, 2015, 11:20 AM
Gaede hall (Building 30.22)

Gaede hall

Building 30.22

Plenary Talks Plenary talks


Mr Peter Wittenburg (RDA)


Even examples from Psycholinguistics – a humanities discipline – show that data intensive science is changing all scientific disciplines dramatically posing unprecedented challenges in data management and processing. A recent survey in Europe showed clearly that most of the research departments are not prepared for this step and that the methods that are used to manage, curate and process data are inefficient and too costly. Despite a wide agreement on some obvious trends with respect to data and on principles about data sharing such as those formulated by the G8 ministers, we lack clear guidelines and strategies of how to move ahead. Therefore, Research Data Alliance as a bottom-up organized global and cross-disciplinary initiative has been established to accelerate the process of changing data practice. After only two years RDA produced its first concrete results, which have to demonstrate their practicality. In particular the infrastructure builders are requested to act as early adopters. RDA as an initiative to specify interfaces, protocols, guidelines, etc. needs to be seen as a chance for us to discuss how we can move ahead. Infrastructure builders need to put results in place to test the results. All three - researchers, infrastructure builders and RDA experts - need to remain in a close discussion process to achieve the fast progress we are waiting for. The talk will address all aspects which have been mentioned.

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