August 29, 2016 to September 2, 2016
Europe/Berlin timezone
We are currently updating to the new Indico 2 layout!

Concurrent Programming in C++

Aug 31, 2016, 1:00 PM
Room 157 (FTU)

Room 157



Dr Graeme Stewart (University of Glasgow)


In this course we will introduce how to program for concurrency in C++, taking advantage of modern CPUs ability to run multi-threaded programs on different CPU cores. Firstly, we will explore the new concurrency features of C++14 itself, which will also serve as a general introduction to multi-threaded programming. Students will learn the basics of asynchronous execution, thread spawning, management and synchronisation. Some elementary considerations about deadlocks and data races will be introduced, which will illustrate the common problems that can arise when programming with multiple threads. After this the Threaded Building Block template library will be introduced. We shall see how the features of this library allow programers to exploit multi-threading at a higher level, not needing to worry about so many of the details of thread management. Students should be familiar with C++ and the standard template library. Some familiarity with makefiles and/or CMake would be useful.

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