August 29, 2016 to September 2, 2016
Europe/Berlin timezone
We are currently updating to the new Indico 2 layout!



Sebastien Binet

Sebastien Binet (LPC)

Sebastien Binet received his PhD in Particle Physics at the Universite Blaise Pascal on Jet Calibration and Analysis Tools in ATLAS. As a post-doc at LBL, he worked on core issues of the Athena control framework for the ATLAS experiment (monitoring, event size reduction, I/O optimization), and started the work on AthenaMP: the multi-process-based parallelization of Athena. He then worked on multithreaded parallelization aspects, scouted for better suited languages and has fallen in love with Go and its elegant approach to concurrency programming.

Brendan Bouffler (Amazon Global Scientific Computing, London)

Brendan Bouffler has 20 years of experience in the global IT industry dealing with very large systems in high performance environments. He has been responsible for designing and building hundreds of HPC systems for commercial enterprises as well as research and defence sectors all around the world and has quite a number of his efforts listed in the top500, including some that have placed in the top 5.
Brendan previously lead the HPC Organisation for Dell in Asia and joined Amazon in 2014 to help accelerate the adoption of cloud computing in the scientific community globally. He holds a degree in Physics and an interest in testing several of its laws as they apply to bicycles. This has frequently resulted in hospitalisation.

Brendan Bouffler

Max Fischer

Max Fischer (KIT)

Max is a doctoral researcher at KIT, working with both the departments of physics and applied computer science. His work in physics analysis focuses on data analysis itself as well as required infrastructure. Resulting from this, he is familiar with a wide range of technologies and algorithms used in data science. In addition, he is an avid user of the Python language, both for small scripts and large applications.

Diana Gudu (KIT)

Diana Gudu is a doctoral researcher in the Human Brain Project since July 2013. Diana received her BSc in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest in 2010 and went on to earn an MSc with Honours degree from the Technical University of Munich in 2012, majoring in high performance computing. Her research interests include distributed systems, HPC and highly scalable data storage. Her PhD work is focused on a distributed multi-agent framework for trading and allocation of cloud resources. In HBP she contributes to the cloud storage infrastructure, where she gained experience with the Ceph distributed storage system.

Diana Gudu

Daniel Hofmann

Daniel Hofmann (Mapbox)

Daniel is a Software Engineer at Mapbox working on the Directions team, where he builds and improves high quality graph partitioners and routing engines in modern and idiomatic C++. Daniel graduated from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, specializing in parallel programming and distributed systems. He is based in Berlin, Germany.

Mirko Kämpf (Cloudera)

I worked as a independent software developer since 1997 on a distributed search application. Later I added profile matching engine to our existing system, before I started to use Hadoop. During my University studies I started to collect and analyze lots of time series data from experiments. Later, during my research project at University of Halle I combined tools from time series and network analysis domains to provide new methods for complex systems analysis, with application in communication science and economy. Since 2012 I work for Cloudera, currently as Solutions Architect.

Mirko Kämpf

Peter Krauss

Peter Krauss (KIT)

Coming soon ...

Eileen Kühn (KIT)

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Eileen Kühn

Tobias Kurze

Tobias Kurze (KIT)

Tobias Kurze studied computer sciences at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (former University of Karlsruhe) from 2004 to 2009 and at Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon) from 2007 until 2009. Works at KIT since 2010 and is a former research associate at the Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC). Until 2015 he was part of the research group Cloud-Computing with focus on distributed-, grid- and cloud-computing, operated and tested an OpenStack cluster, and researched the efficient use of cloud resources. Contributed to tho Software Cluster projects Emergent and InDiNet and led work packages in aforementioned projects. Now research associate at the KIT library and coordinator of the project bwDataDiss, which provides infrastructure and services to libraries and researchers to store and archive research data.

Mario Lassnig (CERN)

Dr. Mario Lassnig has been working as a Software Engineer at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) since 2006. Within the ATLAS Experiment, he is responsible for many aspects of large-scale distributed data management, database applications, as well as descriptive and predictive analytics for large data samples.
In his previous life, he developed mobile navigation software for public transportation in Vienna at Seibersdorf Research, as well as cryptographic smartcard applications for access control at the University of Klagenfurt. He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Klagenfurt, and a doctoral degree in Computer Science from the University of Innsbruck.

Mario Lassnig

Will Breaden Madden

Will Breaden Madden (CERN)

Will Breaden Madden is a Ph.D. student at CERN working on Higgs searches at ATLAS with the University of Glasgow. He is very handsome, highly intelligent and a champion of the proletariat.

Lorenzo Moneta (CERN)

Coming soon ...

Lorenzo Moneta

Dimitri Nilsen

Dimitri Nilsen (KIT)

Coming soon ...

Felice Pantaleo (CERN)

Felice Pantaleo is a doctoral researcher at CERN and at University of Hamburg. He has been working in the field of High Performance Heterogeneous Computing and Networking since 2009. Today, he is coordinating the effort of accelerating the track reconstruction for the CMS High Level Trigger using GPUs during the LHC Run 3.

Felice Pantaleo

Nathalie Rauschmayr

Nathalie Rauschmayr (CERN)

Nathalie Rauschmayr received a PhD in Computer Science from KIT in 2014. She is currently working as a COFUND fellow at the CERN IT department. Her main task is to analyse inefficiencies of jobs running in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. She is mainly dealing with benchmarking LHC experiment software, memory and CPU profiling, implementing monitoring tools, gathering performance metrics and performing data analytics. Before starting in the CERN IT department, she worked as a doctoral student in the LHCb experiment. Her work was about optimizing LHCb software for multicore and manycore CPUs and the aim was to reduce the memory footprint of LHCb jobs by sharing more memory between parallel processes. Before coming to CERN Nathalie Rauschmayr worked for several years in the institute for Aerodynamics and Flow Technology of the German Aerospace Center. She was working there in the field of High Performance Computing and Computational Fluid Dynamics. One of her projects was the development of an interface which allows parallel and interactive visualization of massively parallel flow simulations.

Elvin Sindrilaru (CERN)

Elvin is a software engineer in the Data and Storage Services Group at CERN which is responsible for the management and long-term preservation of all data produced by the CERN physics experiments. He received a MSc. degree in Computer Science from Imperial College London in the field of High-Performance Computing. Elvin joined CERN as a research fellow in 2010 working on the ROOT Framework to improve wide-area network I/O performance. He is also involved in developments concerning error-correction codes and providing fault-tolerance to the main CERN disk-based storage system EOS. Another important area of interest for Elvin is providing the required scalability for multi-petabyte systems storing physics data while at the same time streamlining the development process by using container technologies.

Elvin Sindrilaru

Sven Sternberger

Sven Sternberger (DESY)

Coming soon ...

Graeme Stewart (University of Glasgow)

Graeme is the current ATLAS Offline Software Coordinator, after previously having senior software roles inside the ATLAS experiment of Core Software Coordinator and Future Software Technology Forum Convenor. Graeme has a PhD in Plasma Physics from the University of Glasgow and also worked as a Solar Physicist on the sun's large scale magnetic field configuration at the UNAM in Mexico. Currently his main interest is in modernising ATLAS software towards High Luminosity LHC, though he maintains an active interest in all cool parts of software and computing for particle physics.

Graeme Stewart

Xavier Valls Pla

Xavier Valls Pla (CERN)

Xavier Valls (29, Castelló de la Plana, Spain). Doctoral Student working with the ROOT team in the EP/SFT group at CERN. With background in computer science and computational mathematics, I'm currently working on the performance, parallelization and vectorization of ROOT's code while enrolled on a PhD program at the Universitat Jaume I.

Bruce Wayne (Wayne Enterprises)

Bruce Wayne is an American billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and owner of Wayne Enterprises.

Bruce Wayne

Pavel Weber

Pavel Weber (KIT)

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