August 29, 2016 to September 2, 2016
Europe/Berlin timezone
We are currently updating to the new Indico 2 layout!

Plenary Talk Speakers

Plenary Talk Speakers

Frank Baetke

Frank Baetke (Hewlett-Packard Enterprise)

Frank Baetke leads HPE"s worldwide marketing and business development activities for the academic and scientific research segment. He is member of the Board of HP-CAST, the world-wide HPC user group of HPE and a Fellow and Advisory Board member of the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) and a member of the Steering Committee of the Indian Supercomputing Conference HiPC.
Frank Baetke represents HPE in European organizations as PROSPECT and ETP4HPC and is chairman of the European Open File System Organization (EOFS).
He holds a master degree in engineering and a Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) in Fluid Dynamics from the Technical University of Munich. He is a member of GI (German Society of Informatics), the Society of Astronomy, ACM, IEEE and the Max Planck Society.

Brendan Bouffler (Amazon Global Scientific Computing, London)

Brendan Bouffler has 20 years of experience in the global IT industry dealing with very large systems in high performance environments. He has been responsible for designing and building hundreds of HPC systems for commercial enterprises as well as research and defence sectors all around the world and has quite a number of his efforts listed in the top500, including some that have placed in the top 5.
Brendan previously lead the HPC Organisation for Dell in Asia and joined Amazon in 2014 to help accelerate the adoption of cloud computing in the scientific community globally. He holds a degree in Physics and an interest in testing several of its laws as they apply to bicycles. This has frequently resulted in hospitalisation.

Brendan Bouffler

Peter Braesicke

Peter Braesicke (KIT)

Peter Braesicke is a Deputy Head of Institute (IMK-ASF @ KIT) and Group Leader for Interactions in the Atmospheric System (IAS), at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He obtained his PhD from the Free University of Berlin and has worked for NCAS at the University of Cambridge. His current research addresses composition-climate interactions (including model development) and he teaches courses in climatology and theoretical meteorology.

Jose Castro Leon (CERN)

Jose Castro Leon is an enthusiastic software engineer focused on management of large-scale cross-platform computing resources using standard open source tools.He is the responsible of the integration of the Cloud Service into the CERN environment in terms of authentication, federation and resource lifecycle management. Jose manages the Identity, Dashboard and Workflow services for the CERN Cloud and is also an OpenStack Active Technical Contributor on the Identity Service (Keystone) and Dashboard Service (Horizon), where his participation brought to the community the support for Active Directory, external authentication and Web single-sign on. He holds a MS degree of Computer Science from Universidad de Oviedo.

Jose Castro Leon

Benedikt Hegner

Benedikt Hegner (CERN)

Coming soon ...

Andreas Herten (FZ Jülich)

Andreas made his PhD as an experimental particle physicist at Forschungszentrum Jülich/Ruhr University Bochum. He investigated the application of graphics processing units (GPUs) for track reconstruction in the online event selection system of the PANDA experiment. After graduating he joined the NVIDIA Application Lab of the Supercomputing Centre of Forschungszentrum Jülich, where he enables scientific applications for GPUs and improves their performances.

Andreas Herten

Frank Köster

Frank Köster (DLR and University of Oldenburg)

Prof. Dr. Frank Köster is currently head of the "Automotive Systems" department at DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) and Professor for "Intelligent Transport Systems" at the University of Oldenburg. He studied computer science at the University of Oldenburg where he graduated in 2001 and habilitated in 2007. Frank Köster is a member of the round table "Autonomous Driving" of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, representative of the DLR in various national and international committees and organisations like SafeTrans and ERTICO as well as referee for research projects, journals and congresses concerning autonomous and connected driving.

Jürgen Krebs (Hitachi)

Jürgen A. Krebs ist seit Juli 2004 bei Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) tätig und verantwortet seit 2007 den Bereich des Business Development in Deutschland.
Er hat als Director Solutions Services den deutschen Consulting-Bereich der HDS maßgeblich geprägt. Seit Ende 2007 leitet er den deutschen Business Development Bereich und ist parallel zu dieser Funktion Unternehmenssprecher und Prokurist der HDS in Deutschland. Von 2010 – 2013 hat er zusätzlich das Field Marketing in Deutschland neu strukturiert und ausgebaut.
Mit Hilfe seiner umfangreichen Branchenerfahrung von mehr als 30 Jahren gestaltet er die strategische Ausrichtung von Hitachi Data Systems mit Fokus auf die Kernkompetenzen des Unternehmens. Hierbei konnte sich Krebs vor allem auf ganzheitliche IT-Lösungen und hyperkonvergente Lösungen von Hitachi Data Systems spezialisieren. Vor seiner Tätigkeit bei Hitachi Data Systems war Jürgen A. Krebs bei StorageTek beschäftigt, wo er dem Aufbau des Midrange-Disk-Bereichs seinen Stempel aufgedrückt hat und der Mediathek des ZDF das technische Fundament gab. Vor dieser Zeit war er in leitenden Funktionen bei Interbaustoff und Bull AG tätig. Krebs begann seine Laufbahn bei der Gerätebau Odenwald AG im Umfeld der Medizintechnik. Jürgen A. Krebs hat sein Handwerk von der Pike auf gelernt: Grundstein seiner weitreichenden Kenntnisse ist ein Elektrotechnikstudium im Bereich Nachrichtentechnik und technische Informatik, das er an der University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt a. M. absolvierte. Bei der DGQ wurde er zum Qualitätsbeauftragten ausgebildet.
Der begeisterte Techniker beschäftigt sich auch heute noch in seiner Freizeit leidenschaftlich mit jeglicher Art von Elektronik, Motorenbearbeitung und dem Motocross.

Jürgen Krebs

Manuela Kuhn

Manuela Kuhn (DESY)

Manuela Kuhn has studied mathematics and computer science at University of Heidelberg. After finishing both her degrees, she started to work as a data scientist at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg. Her main working fields include the integration of data management solutions and analysis environments of the experiments as well as optimizing high-performance storage systems for photon science. She is also working on the development and implementation of concepts for message passing systems.

Andrew Lahiff (RAL)

After obtaining a PhD at the Flinders University of South Australia, Andrew Lahiff has worked on theoretical physics research, data processing and calibration for a multi-spacecraft ESA/NASA mission, as well as data analysis and visualisation software development. Since 2009 he has been working in the Tier-1 facility at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, which provides distributed computing resources for the CERN Large Hadron Collider as well as an increasing number of other experiments. In addition to being the local liaison for the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment he is responsible for a wide range of services in the Tier-1, including a large HTCondor batch system.

Andrew Lahiff

Klaus Maier-Hein

Klaus Maier-Hein (DKFZ Heidelberg)

Klaus H. Maier-Hein leads the junior group Medical Image Computing (MIC) at the German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany. He received his PhD in computer science in 2010 from the University of Heidelberg. His research aims at tapping the full potential of medical imaging information in supporting patient-individual clinical decisions. His research has resulted in more than 50 first and last author publications in leading international peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journals and conferences as well as several scientific awards including the German High Tech Champions Award in Medical Imaging as well as the Johann Peter Süßmilch Medal.

Jurry de la Mar (T-Systems)

Jurry de la Mar (54) has started and lead various strategic projects with European Institutions for T-Systems in Europe. Since 2008 he has responsibility for the Galileo Satellite Navigation and Copernicus Earth Observation programmes within T-Systems. For both programmes T-Systems delivers a range of ICT and security services. In 2012 he was one of the initiators to create together with CERN, EMBL and ESA the Helix Nebula - The Science Cloud - Initiative that fosters the development and uptake of cloud computing in Europe. And he is Member of the Supervisory Board of Cesah GmbH, the Centre for Satellite Navigation in the State of Hesse, Germany since 2009. Cesah is an incubation centre focussed on space technology and has supported more than 60 companies to start business.
From 2000 till 2003 he was located to Singapore as Head of Deutsche Telekom's sales and operations in the region South East Asia and India. Before that he led the international sales support division for enterprise networks in Germany. He joined Deutsche Telekom group in 1994 as account manager. He began his professional career with Siemens where he held various international positions in the medical division in Germany, Netherlands and Sweden spanning from product management to sales and operations. He holds a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics and a Master in Informatics, both from Free University in Amsterdam. Born in the Netherlands, he grew up in Africa and Asia, lived and worked in various countries and therefore has a strong multi-cultural background.

Jurry de la Mar

Lorenzo Moneta

Lorenzo Moneta (CERN)

Coming soon ...

Alexander Schug (KIT)

Alexander Schug works since 2011 as a group leader at the Steinbuch Centre for Computing at KIT. He obtained his PhD 2005 at the University of Dortmund and has worked as Postdoctoral Scholar in Kobe (Japan) and San Diego (US) before returning as an Assistant Professor to Europe (Ume&#229, Sweden). His research interests include Theoretical Biophysics, Biomolecular Simulations, and High Performance Computing. His work has received multiple awards including a FIZ Chemie Berlin Preis from the German Chemical Society GdCH and a Google Faculty Research Award 2016.

Alexander Schug

Elvin Sindrilaru

Elvin Sindrilaru (CERN)

Elvin is a software engineer in the Data and Storage Services Group at CERN which is responsible for the management and long-term preservation of all data produced by the CERN physics experiments. He received a MSc. degree in Computer Science from Imperial College London in the field of High-Performance Computing. Elvin joined CERN as a research fellow in 2010 working on the ROOT Framework to improve wide-area network I/O performance. He is also involved in developments concerning error-correction codes and providing fault-tolerance to the main CERN disk-based storage system EOS. Another important area of interest for Elvin is providing the required scalability for multi-petabyte systems storing physics data while at the same time streamlining the development process by using container technologies.

Liesbeth Vanherpe (EPFL)

Liesbeth Vanherpe is a research scientist at the Blue Brain Project (BBP) at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, where she performs research on mesoscale brain modelling and implements it in scientific software. Liesbeth has 6 years of experience in international projects in interdisciplinary fields. In the BBP she collaborates with neuroscientists and software engineers. Previously she was a senior fellow at CERN in the Technology Department where she was involved in computational modelling of accelerator magnets and collaborating with diverse engineering teams on the Linac4 project. She obtained her PhD in Computer Science in 2010 at the KU Leuven in Belgium, where she performed simulations of grain growth in polycrystalline materials, and carried out research into numerical solutions of partial differential equations.

Liesbeth Vanherpe

Lena Wiese

Lena Wiese (University Göttingen)

Dr. Lena Wiese ( is currently head of the research group Knowledge Engineering and lecturer at the Georg-August University in Goettingen. Previously she was a visiting professor at the University of Hildesheim and a postdoctoral researcher at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo. She holds a PhD from the University of Dortmund. Her research interests are NoSQL Database Systems, Intelligent Information Systems, and Information Content Security. She has been teaching advanced courses on data management and database technology for several years at both graduate and undergraduate level. She is author of the book "Advanced Data Management for SQL, NoSQL, Cloud and Distributed Databases" (2015, Publisher: DeGruyter)

Eugen Wintersberger (DESY)

Eugen Wintersberger is a scientist at the Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg where he is in charge of the migration from ASCII and single image file formats to HDF5 for the PETRA III beamlines. He is the official representative of DESY at the NeXus international advisory committee (NIAC). As the NIACs current technical manager he is responsible for the legacy NeXus C-API and the HDF5 external filter repository hosted by the NIAC. He received his PHD in physics from the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, where he worked at the department of Semiconductor Physics. His primary research topic was the investigation of structural properties (in particular defects) in semiconductor hetero-structures by means of high resolution x-ray diffraction using laboratory x-ray sources as well as synchrotron radiation (at the ESRF and at DESY).

Eugen Wintersberger

Ingolf Wittmann

Ingolf Wittmann (IBM Deutschland)

Ingolf Wittmann studied computer science and business at the TU Stuttgart and he is working in information technologies since more than 30 years. At IBM he is currently CTO & Leader of HPC Europe and responsible for the supercomputing business in Europe.

John Wood (RDA Council Co-Chair)

Professor John Wood CBE, FREng is the Secretary-General of the Association of Commonwealth Universities and visiting professor of materials at Imperial College London, University College London and Brunel University London. He graduated from Sheffield University in metallurgy followed by Cambridge University for his Ph.D.)where he subsequently stayed on as Goldsmith's Research Fellow at Churchill College. In 1994 he was awarded a higher doctorate from Sheffield and has an honorary doctorate from the University of Cluj-Napoca in Romania where he is also a "citizen of honour&quot. He has also received honorary doctorates from the B.S.Rahman University in Chennai and the Kwama Nkrumah University of Sciene and Technology in Ghana.He has held several academic posts at the Open University, Nottingham University and Imperial College. From 2001-2007 he was appointed chief executive of the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils. During this period he was a visiting professor at Oxford University and still remains a fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford.
He is a non-executive director of a number of companies including Bio-Nano Consulting. He chairs the boards of Oxceta and Research Information Network. He was on the board of the Joint Information Services Committee and chaired their Support for Research Committee. He is also involved with a number of charities including acting as chair of INASP until 2015.
He was a founder member of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures and became chair in 2004 where he was responsible for producing the first European Roadmap. He became the first chair of the European Research Area Board in 2008-11" He remains a member of the European Commission's Research, Innovation and Science Expert board. He chaired the Commission's High Level Group on the future of Scientific Data producing the influential report "Riding the Wave" and also chaired the subsequent follow up report "The Data Harvest." He was responsible for the international negotiations setting up the Global Research Data Alliance and was appointed one of the two co-chairs from the start. He was elected as a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 1999 and made a Commander of the British Empire in 2007 for "services to science," In 2010 he was made an "Officer of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany"

John Wood