August 29, 2016 to September 2, 2016
Europe/Berlin timezone
We are currently updating to the new Indico 2 layout!


School Program Committee:

Dr. Manuel Giffels (Chair)
Dr. Thomas Hartmann
Dr. Benedikt Hegner
Dr. Christopher Jung
Dr. Jörg Meyer
Andreas Petzold
Dr. Pavel Weber

School Infrastructure and Logistics:

Ingrid Schäffner
Melanie Ernst

Technical Support:

Preslav Borislavov Konstantinov
Dr. Samuel Ambroj Perez

The team behind the GridKa School

Uğur Çayoğlu

Seit Oktober 2013 arbeitet Herr Uğur Çayoğlu (gesprochen: Uur Tschayolu) in der Abteilung SDM. Bis Ende Juli arbeitet er als Key Accounter im Landesprojekt bwFDM-Communities; danach wird er als Doktorand in der Helmholtzportfolio-erweiterung LSDMA im Data Life Cycle Lab Erde und Umwelt tätig sein.
Herr Çayoğlu hat Informationswirtschaft am KIT studiert. Er erhielt seinen Bachelor-Abschluss 2009 und seinen Master-Abschluss 2012. Während des Studiums arbeitete er als HiWi in der Abteilung DMK/CMK.
Sein Büro befindet sich am Campus Nord im Gebäude 449, Raum 304.

Ugur Cayoglu

Melanie Ernst

Melanie Ernst

Melanie began in 1998 an apprenticeship for "Mathematisch-technische Assistin" at the former Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (today KIT). Since 2002 she works at the GridKa project. Today her main tasks are the batch system and accounting at GridKa, the GridKA-CA and KIT-CA.

Manuel Giffels

Manuel studied Physics at the RWTH Aachen University and received his diploma working on simulation and software development in context of a tracking detector at a future linear collider in 2005. He obtained his PhD at the RWTH Aachen University in 2009 working on a physics analysis of lepton flavour violation in τ decays at the CMS experiment at CERN. At the same time he became a co-administrator of the RWTH Aachen Grid Computing Center. He then continued his work on Grid Computing and joined the CMS Computing Project as a software developer in the Data Management & Workload Management group. In 2011 he got an applied physics fellowship at CERN. Since 2014 he is working at KIT being Computing & Development Team Leader of the CMS group.

Manuel Giffels

  Andreas Heiss

Christopher Jung

Christopher Jung holds graduate degrees in Physics and Maths as well as a PhD in Physics. He was a member of the European project "Enabling Grids for e-science in Europe" and the German project "Physics at the Terascale". Christopher also served as the ALICE experiment contact at the GridKa Tier-1 at KIT. Since 2012, he has been the project manager of Helmholtz Association project "Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis".
From 2007 to 2011, Christopher led GridKa School as programming and organizing chair. Since 2012, he has been organizing the international symposium "The Challenge of Big Data in Science".

Preslav Konstantinov

Preslav Konstantinov

Preslav Konstantinov studied Physics at the University of Sofia. From 1991 he worked at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy in Sofia in the area of crystal structure refinement via neutron diffraction techniques. He was instrumental in designing, deploying and developing the Institute's computer network, essential network services and Internet connection and served as Chief Sysadmin and Computer Systems Analyst. Since 2001 he became involved in the WLCG project and set up and maintained a small Grid site at the Institute in collaboration with CERN IT Department. In 2011 he moved to CERN to work in the CMS Computing Integration Group. Since 2014 he works at KIT as CMS Contact Person for the GridKA Tier 1 Grid Site.

Jörg Meyer

Jörg Meyer studied physics at Bonn University received his PhD on “Measurement of the Top Quark Mass using Dilepton Events and a Neutrino Weighting Algorithm with the DØ Experiment at the Tevatron (Run II)” in 2007. From 2007 to 2012 he worked at Göttingen University as grid computing expert and as member of the ATLAS collaboration at CERN. In 2012 he started a position at KIT in the Helmholtz Portfolio extension LSDMA, where he took the lead of the data life cycle lab “Earth and Environment”. This involves the coordination of common activities of the LSDMA data experts at KIT and DKRZ and researchers from the climate research community.

Jörg Meyer

Christoph-Erdmann Pfeiler Christoph-Erdmann Pfeiler

Ingrid Schäffner

Ingrid began in 1981 an apprenticeship for "Mathematisch-technische Assistentin" at the former Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (today KIT). Since 1984 she works as a system administrator for the former mainfraime, and since 2001 in the GridKa project.

Ingrid Schäffner