Elvin Sindrilaru
The Docker tutorial will walk you through the basic steps of setting up a Docker environment on your machine. There will be a series of exercises that will detail the various concepts presented during the plenary talk which are critical that you understand for the later part of the tutorial. The final goal of the tutorial is to build and deploy a couple of containers that replicate the usual analysis workflow in High Enery Physics: you will have a container running a XRootD server providing the storage for the data and a different container that runs the ROOT framework where you will do your analysis. The tutorial will discuss into depth the concepts of port forwarding, volumes and resource management in the context of containers with a focus on understanding the advantages of containers over traditional virtual machines.
In order to benefit to the maximum of the Docker tutorial part, there are some pre-requisites one needs to take into consideration. First of all, you should be comfortable working with the Linux terminal, installing packages over the command line, using the ssh client to connect to a remote machine and last but not least, editing files using one of the common editors in Linux: emacs, vi, nano etc.