August 29, 2016 to September 2, 2016
Europe/Berlin timezone
We are currently updating to the new Indico 2 layout!

Modern & Idiomatic C++14 (with a perspective on C++17)

Sep 1, 2016, 1:00 PM
Room 157 (FTU)

Room 157



Daniel Hofmann (Mapbox)


In this workshop we explain not only modern and idiomatic C++14 features such as ownership semantics, Rule of Zero and Expression SFINAE from the ground up. We also show modern software-engineering techniques for safely wrapping C-libraries, how to provide FFI access to your C++ library (e.g. to provide Python, Node.js or Haskell bindings), and how to provide library ABI stability guarantees. The workshop wraps up with an outlook on the C++17 standardization and proposals (such as Concepts, Variant, Optional), and a discussion on how to emulate some of those features in C++14.

Presentation materials

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