MU days 2021


The Helmholtz program days Matter and the Universe 2021 will take place in the mornigs of November 24th and 25th, 2021. The presentations will be held online via the conference software Zoom in the following room:

Talks can be uploaded directly to indico or to this upload link.


Here is a photo of the group taken during the second day of the meeting:

  • Afiq Anuar
  • Agnieszka Leszczyńska
  • Alan Campbell
  • Albert Zhou
  • Alberto Martini
  • Alejandro Segarra
  • Alexander Grohsjean
  • Andreas Bauswein
  • Andreas Haungs
  • Andreas Petzold
  • Andreas Weindl
  • Andro Kacharava
  • Anna Nelles
  • Anton Huber
  • Antonio Paz
  • Artur Gottmann
  • Axel Lindner
  • Beate Bornschein
  • Beate Heinemann
  • Belina von Krosigk
  • Benno Käch
  • Bianca Keilhauer
  • Caroline Rodenbeck
  • Carsten Niebuhr
  • Christian Schwanenberger
  • Christine Collins
  • Christoph Düllmann
  • Christoph Scheidenberger
  • Christoph Schäfer
  • Christophe Grojean
  • Claus Kleinwort
  • Daniel Mohler
  • Daniela Käfer
  • David Berge
  • David Schmidt
  • David Schwartz
  • Dmitriy Kostunin
  • Dominic Batzler
  • Donghwa Kang
  • Duarte Azevedo
  • Eleni Graikou
  • Eleonora Loiacono
  • Elisabetta Gallo
  • Emanuel Weiss
  • Emily Martins
  • Fabian Block
  • Federico Bontempo
  • Felix Kratzmeier
  • Felix Schlüter
  • Florian Fraenkle
  • Frank Goldenbaum
  • Frank Maas
  • Frank Nerling
  • Frank Schröder
  • Frederic Engelke
  • Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo
  • Genrich Zeller
  • Georg Weiglein
  • German Sborlini
  • Gernot Maier
  • Gudrid Moortgat-Pick
  • Guido Drexlin
  • Hala Elhag
  • Hannah Elfner
  • Hans Rudolf Schmidt
  • Hans Stroeher
  • Harald Schieler
  • Hermann Kolanoski
  • Hermann-Josef Mathes
  • Hiu Sze Wu
  • Hrvoje Dujmovic
  • Isabell Melzer-Pellmann
  • Jakob Beyer
  • James Ritman
  • Jan Behrens
  • Jan-Hendrik Arling
  • Jannes Brostean-Kaiser
  • Jaroslav Storek
  • Jennifer Pütz
  • Jingyu Zhu
  • Joachim Stroth
  • Joachim Wolf
  • Joerg Pretz
  • Johan Messchendorp
  • Jonas Kellerer
  • Jonas Sinapius
  • Jose Cuenca-García
  • Juhi Dutta
  • Julian Saffer
  • Juliane Helbich
  • Jürgen Reuter
  • Kai Daumiller
  • Kanioar Karan
  • Karsten Buesser
  • Katerina Lipka
  • Kathrin Valerius
  • Kathrin Wimmer
  • Katrin Link
  • Kerstin Borras
  • Kerstin Tackmann
  • Klaus-Dieter Groß
  • Krisztian Peters
  • Lars Hagge
  • Leander Fischer
  • Leonard Hasselmann
  • Leonard Köllenberger
  • Li-Wei Wei
  • Lisa Biermann
  • Luca Deval
  • Lucas Wiens
  • Lutz Bornschein
  • Magnus Schlösser
  • Manuel Giffels
  • Marc Klinger
  • Maria Haupt
  • Maria Olalla Olea Romacho
  • Marie Oehler
  • Markus Ackermann
  • Markus Roth
  • Markus Steidl
  • Martin Schimassek
  • Maryna Borysova
  • María Teresa Núñez Pardo de Vera
  • Matthias F.M. Lutz
  • Matthias Kleifges
  • Matthias Steinhauser
  • Max Büsken
  • Max Fischer
  • Max Stadelmaier
  • Melih Kara
  • Melih Solmaz
  • Michael Block
  • Michael Unger
  • Min He
  • Monika Blanke
  • Neha Lad
  • Noah Goehlke
  • Nora Feigl
  • Oleksandr Borysov
  • Olena Tkachenko
  • Oliver Just
  • Olivier Asin
  • Paras Koundal
  • Pavlo Plotko
  • Priscilla Pani
  • Rainer Mankel
  • Ralf Gebel
  • Ralph Engel
  • Riccardo Mancino
  • Richard Naab
  • Robin Groessle
  • Roman Hiller
  • Roxanne Turcotte
  • Saad Siddique
  • Sabine Giebenhain
  • Sahra Wolff
  • Samaya Nissanke
  • Sara Martinelli
  • Sebastian Blacker
  • Sebastian Vetter
  • Shailaja Mohanty
  • Shefali Shefali
  • Simeon Reusch
  • Simon Niemes
  • Simon Spies
  • Sindhujha Kumaran
  • Sjoerd Bouma
  • Summer Blot
  • Syuhei Iguro
  • Tamara Elisa App
  • Tanguy Pierog
  • Tetyana Galatyuk
  • Tetyana Galatyuk
  • Theodoros Soultanis
  • Thomas Aumann
  • Thomas Fitoussi
  • Thomas Huber
  • Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
  • Thomas Schörner
  • Thomas Thümmler
  • Ties Behnke
  • Tim Huege
  • Tista Mukherjee
  • Tobias Schulz
  • Tobias Stockmanns
  • Tommy Martinov
  • Ulrich Nierste
  • Victoria Tokareva
  • Vimal Vijayan
  • Virgile Dandoy
  • Waleed Esmail
  • Walter Winter
  • Wenjie Hou
  • Wing Yan Ma
  • xuan chen
  • Yvonne Leifels
  • Wednesday, November 24
    • 9:00 AM 9:15 AM
      Intro: Welcome
      • 9:00 AM
        Welcome 15m
        Speakers: Beate Heinemann, Ralph Engel (KIT)
    • 9:15 AM 10:15 AM
      Overview: Topic Highlights
      • 9:15 AM
        Fundamental Particles and Forces 20m
        Speaker: Georg Weiglein
      • 9:35 AM
        Cosmic Matter in the Laboratory 20m
        Speakers: Frank Maas (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz), Frank Maas (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz)
      • 9:55 AM
        Matter and Radiation from the Universe 20m
        Speaker: Christian Stegmann (DESY)
    • 10:15 AM 11:00 AM
      Topical talk: Dark matter (Prof. Laura Covi)

      Prof. Laura Covi

    • 11:00 AM 11:30 AM
      Break 30m
    • 11:30 AM 12:47 PM
      Flashtalks: Session 1
      • 11:30 AM
        Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory 7m
        Speaker: David Schmidt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
      • 11:37 AM
        The Top, the Dark and the Wiggly - A Pas de Deux in Searches for New Phenomena on Searches for Dark Matter, Heavy Higgs bosons and EFT couplings with top quarks 7m
        Speaker: Afiq Anuar
      • 11:44 AM
        How much gold is created during the collision of two neutron stars? 7m
        Speaker: Oliver Just
      • 11:58 AM
        Results from KATRIN - Neutrino Mass and BSM Physics Searches 7m
        Speaker: Leonard Köllenberger (IKP, KIT)
      • 12:05 PM
        High-precision predictions for LHC physics 7m
        Speaker: xuan chen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
      • 12:12 PM
        Towards Scattering Amplitudes and Cross Sections from Quantum Chromodynamics 7m
        Speaker: D. Mohler
      • 12:19 PM
        Sterile Neutrinos - Phenomenology and Global Analysis 7m
        Speaker: Albert Zhou (IAP, KIT)
      • 12:26 PM
        Interplay between collider physics and the thermal evolution of the universe 7m
        Speaker: María Olalla Olea Romacho (DESY)
      • 12:33 PM
        Exploring QCD matter at high density with HADES 7m
        Speaker: Simon Spies
      • 12:40 PM
        Borexino unravels the Sun and Earth with neutrinos 7m
        Speaker: Sindhujha Kumaran
  • Thursday, November 25